5 Ways To Improve Your Sex Life And Have Hotter Sex
Mix things up a bit and you'll see some explosive results. Here's how...

June 21, 2011

5 Ways To Have Hotter Sex

1. Don’t Start in the Bedroom

The same old place is too conducive to the same old patterns. Explore some new erogenous areas: The kitchen. The bathroom. You get it. Your bodies will be in new places, making it unlikely that you’ll follow old routines.

2. Go Canoeing or Hiking

Adding a touch of danger to the day will stimulate dopamine in her brain, triggering her sex drive. She’ll see you as the cause of the excitement, as well as the source of security. Book a B&B for the afternoon dry-off and you’re set.

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3. Feed Her Black Licorice

Bring it along when you’re watching a Clooney flick. Black licorice has been shown to speed up her genital bloodflow by 40 percent, says Ava Cadell a sex therapist and the author of Love Around the House.

4. Explore New Regions

You’ve heard about her nipples and vagina? Good. Now spend some time on the back of her neck. It’s a brave new world of nerve endings, so gentle caressing and kissing are all that’s needed.

Related: Why You Must Touch Her Knees During Foreplay

5. Have Her Ditch Her Panties…

The naked secret you now share will linger through dessert, says Pepper Schwartz., a sociology professor at the University of Washington and the author of The Great Sex Weekend.