Clothes That Keep The Wearer Well
The Coolcore line of mens’ and womens’ fitness wear will use a performance fabric (the first patented fabric with no chemicals) to keep athletes comfortable during exercise. The fabric which works best when in direct contact with the skin is activated by sweat and cools the wearer. The surface temperature of the fabric drops by 30 degrees and the clothing acts as a 50 UV sunscreen. The Coolcore apparel will include layering pieces such as long- and short-sleeved tees, camisoles, and tank tops and will be available at major sporting goods stores next spring.
A smart fitness sock currently in beta testing may help prevent injuries by monitoring a runner’s technique. The Sensoria socks track steps, speed, and distance as well as weight distribution during movement that can be a potential cause of pain or injury. The information collected is displayed on an accompanying app that can also act as a coach offering encouragement to the athlete.
A German research company has devised a glove that can sense danger in the air. The prototype glove contains sensors to detect toxins (such as carbon monoxide or hydrogen sulfide) in the air and warns the wearer by changing color. The piece suggests sensors could be customized to identify other types of toxins adapting the gloves to suit various hazardous material handlers.