Don’t Judge A Box By Its Cover #TeamRich Week 3
Richard learns that dedicating yourself to a fitness regime requires you get rid of your misconceptions and go above and beyond your day job

June 1, 2016

We all would like to accept as true that we don’t make judgement on other people and their traits, but let’s face it, we’ve all made that comment on the stereotypical person somewhere…

…that tight vested oke at Tin Roof, or the slick boytjie cruising in at Tiger Tiger, ag no lekker my China, you well? Totes.

Well after getting to know my trainers over the last 2 weeks through sweat and tears, I’ve found out that their schooling goes far deeper than just CrossFit qualifications.

You’d think that trainers spend their days doing nothing but exercise, but these guys are just like you and I, and they all have the eight-to-fiver day job that we all use way to easily as an excuse to not train.

Leon & Ruan are chartered accountants. Andrew is a lawyer & Nic is a qualified teacher. These guys work the hours but still find time to lead classes and train mornings & evenings. They’re dedicated and hard working.

We have a motto here at Men’s Health headquarters: Live the brand. These guys do it.

’d like to offer our readers the chance to experience CrossFit and get to meet the team. Why not come join us for a session, try out the box and train with us, I sure as hell could use the help. Your first one will be free. Bring a friend, they have a smashing winter special at a discounted rate!

I’m serious, put yourself to trial with the CrossFit Baseline Test, it puts your fitness level to the test! You won’t regret it.

Check out the website for more details.

Can’t join us? why not try this WOD (Workout of the Day) we did plus two additional workouts. It’s the perfect 3-day routine at home and see how you do, it’s simple and the only gear needed is a skipping rope. I had to tackle this while I was away last week.


Part A: AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

200m run

15 pull ups

10 ring/box/bar dips – do this entire exercise at your local park, it has everything you need!

I was able to complete 4 full sets plus an additional 5 pullups.  Beat me did you? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram with your proof!


Part A:

For Time:

70 skips
50 sit ups
60 skips
40 sit ups
50 skips
30 sit ups
40 skips
20 sit ups
30 skips
10 sit ups
20 skips

Part B:

4 sets of max plank hold.




 Every 4 minutes for 4 rounds

400m run
15 push ups

 Next time we’ll go in depth into the training, moves and how best to perfect your form.
