Is Your Brain Headed Down The Drain?
Grey hairs can be dyed, but there’s no fast fix for an ageing brain

January 12, 2015

1. Do you exercise?
[A] Not really
[B] Sometimes
[C] Frequently

2. How sharp are your parents?
[A] They act their age
[B] Out to lunch
[C] Alert the Nobel Committee!

3. How many hours of 
sleep do you get each night?
[A] Seven to eight
[B] Less than seven
[C] Sleep?

4. How often do you hang 
out with friends?
[A] Bro-magnon, man
[B] Bro-ccasionally
[C] Bro-lone

5. How’s your stress level?
[A] High
[B] Medium
[C] Mellow

6. Are you a smoker?
[A] Never
[B] Used to be
[C] <>

7. How healthy is 
your daily diet? No, really.
[A] Perfect
[B] Okay, mostly
[C] Fried, mostly

8. How inflated is your body mass index?
[A] Under control (18.5 to 24.9)
[B] Out of control (30+)
[C] Blubbery (between those two)

1. A 2, B 1, C 0
2. A 3, B 5, C 0
3. A 0, B 1, C 2
4. A 0, B 1, C 2
5. A 2, B 1, C 0
6. A 0, B 1, C 2
7. A 0, B 1, C 2
8. A 0, B 3, C 2

Taking on a new skill is like putting your mind through interval training, providing a brainpower buffer you’ll maintain as you age.

Your brain is aging naturally. You’re fine now, but might not be in a decade. Start by saying “om”: Try the two-minute meditations on to help your brain hit “reset”.

Your grey matter may be fading to black, especially if you have a family history of dementia. Socialising and exercise are two ways to help fight cognitive decline.

Once you have done tallying up your score check out the 9 Ways To Strengthen Your Brain.

By Lila Battis