• 4-6 jalapeño peppers
• 1 cooked chicken
breast, chopped
• 30g sweetcorn, tinned
• 4 slices Parma ham
• 30g reduced-fat
cheddar, grated
• 1 tbsp reduced-fat
cream cheese
• broccoli and mangetout cooked to serve
This meal has doubled up on protein by boldly wrapping the chicken in bacon. Rashers are too high in saturated fat to be eaten on a regular basis, so this tweaked version uses Parma ham instead, which is leaner but (almost) as tasty. Broccoli is a useful source of B vitamins, antioxidants, iron and calcium. The jalapeño peppers will raise your core temperature very slightly for added fat-burning, but their main purpose in this dish is to provide a low-kilojoule kick of flavour. If chicken is your go-to protein on a daily basis, this will be much appreciated.
1 Roast the jalapeños whole for 10min at 180°C. Let them cool, then hollow them out. Do not rub your eyes.
2 Mix the chicken, sweetcorn and cheeses and season. Place 1 tbsp of the mixture into each pepper and wrap with a slice of ham.
3 Skewer each pepper with a cocktail stick, then bake on a tray with a rack so the fat drains away. Take them out after 20min or when the ham is nice and crisp. Serve with the cooked greens.
* Cheese loses some of its flavour during heating. Switch to low-fat soft cheese.You’ll cut out kilojoules but do little to limit the taste.