Every man wants to leave behind a legacy. You can’t do that if you’re shooting blanks. Do these 7 things for Olympic level swimmers.
Wear A Dust Mask
Old stone or cement walls – especially caulking from the Sixties and Seventies – can release dangerous levels of PCBs when pulverised. As you breathe in, your testes can deflate.
Eat Saltwater Fish
PCBs and dioxins accumulate faster in bluefish, striped bass and farmed salmon, because the fatty tissues absorb more toxins. Put wild salmon, tuna or black sea bass on the menu instead.
Avoid Sex Toys And Fishing Lures
Gelled rubber – which makes fake worms and vibrators squishy – contains phthalates that can enter the body, decreasing semen quality in men. To be safe, swop in real worms in fishing; and fingers and tongue during sex.
Protect The Pregnant
Women exposed to endocrine disruptors like PCBs, dioxins, and phthalates give birth to male babies with higher rates of birth defects like cryptorchidism (undescended testicles), hypospadias (malformation of the penis) and testicular cancer.
Buy A New Bike Seat
Narrow seats pressure your perineum, causing erectile dysfunction. Buy a seat that transfers pressure onto your hip bones during practice rides, and save the narrow saddle for race day.
Shop At The Organic Market
Pesticides are like debt: a little a day, over time, can develop into a big problem. Side step these testosterone killers by buying organic produce or growing your own testicle-friendly garden.
Read The Ingredient List
A small study has shown a connection between lavender and tea-tree oils in cosmetics and the development of breast tissue in boys. Avoidance may be the best policy for now.