Fartlek is a funky name, but this training technique is essential for boosting pace, and you can do it anywhere. It’s Swed- ish for “speed play,” meaning you vary your bursts of speed. Do this: first, do a 1km warm-up, then start your intervals. You’ll be able to push harder during the 1-minute intervals than during the 3-minute intervals. However, there’s no set pace you’re trying to hit. Instead, work on your effort levels.
The Breakdown
- Sprint for 1 minute, recovery jog for 90 seconds
- Sprint for 2 minutes, recovery jog for 90 seconds
- Sprint for 3 minutes, recovery jog for 90 seconds
- Sprint for 2 minutes, recovery jog for 90 seconds
- Sprint for 1 minute, recovery jog for 90 seconds
Pro tip: Aim for an intensity that’ll make your heart work at 60% to 80% of your max.
Picture courtesy Philipp Schuster for Wings for Life World Run