Sex Position School – Part 2
Part 2 offers three more sex positions to give a whirl...

May 8, 2015

The Flatiron

a.k.a. Downward Dog, The Belly Flop


Benefits: Intensifies vaginal pleasure

She lies face down on the bed, knees slightly bent and hips slightly raised. For comfort, and to increase the angle of her hips, she can place a pillow under her lower abs. You enter her from behind and keep your weight off of her by propping yourself up with your arms. This position creates a snug fit, making you feel larger to her.

Now try this: You’ll last longer in this position if you switch to shallower thrusts and begin deep breathing.

Hot Tip — His

Less friction means less stimulation—and can help you last longer. Try using a very slippery silicon-based lubricant like Durex Play More, which may allow you to thrust longer before reaching orgasm.

 Butter Churner

a.k.a. Squat Thruster

Benefits: An extra rush of blood to her head to increase her ecstasy.

Have your partner lie on her back with her legs raised over her head. This is not a plain Jane position! Squat over her and dip your penis in and out of her. Be extra careful to thrust lightly to avoid stressing her neck.

Now try this: By removing yourself fully, you’ll give her the extremely pleasurable feeling of you first entering her over and over again.

Hot Tip — His

Novelty ignites passion by increasing your brain’s levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to romance and sex drive, says biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, PhD. The Butter Churner qualifies for novelty, but you don’t need to go to such extremes to sustain romance. Anything that’s new and different will do the trick

 The Ballet Dancer

a.k.a. Get a Leg Up


Benefits: Erotic move for quickies in tight quarters. Good option for outdoor sex. Allows for easier penetration. She has control of thrusting, depth, and angle.

You stand facing one another. She raises one of her legs up and wraps it around your buttocks or thigh and pulls you into her with her leg.

Now try this: If her wrapped leg gets tired, cradle it with your arm. If she’s very flexible, lift her leg over your shoulder.

Hot Tip — His

Try this standing position in a hot shower. During the steamy foreplay, rub each other’s entire body with a coarse salt scrub to stimulate nerve endings and blood flow.