The 411 On Women & Porn
Porn Is Becoming Less Taboo for Women

July 29, 2015

Most men believe that women do not indulge in porn as it has been seen as taboo for women, however if you want the low-down on what your partner or women might enjoy when it comes to porn; listen up.

According to a recent study conducted by Pornhub in collaboration with The Daily Beast, women do watch porn but they do not talk about it as much as men do. “Fewer women than men watch pornography on the regular, although more women actually watch porn than talk about it.”

They believe that women’s porn habits can reveal a lot about their past experiences and sexual fantasies. Although women are not as open about it, most young adult women aged 18-26 believe that viewing porn is a way of expressing one’s sexual orientation.

According to Medical Daily, “Millennials’ “morally acceptable” view of porn is reflected in Pornhub’s age demographics, with women beating men in the 18 to 24 range by five percentage points.” However, men outnumber women in the 45-65 age groups, as female viewership plummets.

Want to know which terms women viewed the most? Drum roll please…

“Lesbian”, “threesome” and “squirt”, were amongst the top three. Porn is certainly becoming less taboo for women as they account for 24% of Pornhub’s viewership.

The categories that they searched the most were… “Lesbian”, “gay (male)” and “big dick”; consider yourself a ‘lil more knowledgeable about what women might like when it comes to porn.

Although one cannot generalize as some women might not be into the same things or like watching porn at all. As it’s definitely unique to each and every woman, some watch it for comic relief while others want to learn new moves to impress you.

So before you ask your partner or any woman whether they into “lesbian” or “threesome” viewing.

Chat about what her views are on watching porn and what would she be interested in seeing before you assume; to avoid any woman giving you the ‘really, are you serious’ look.

Sources: Medical Daily, Pornhub, The DailyBeast

Alice Paulse