The Arm-Building Workout You’ll Wish You Had Known About Sooner
It’s one of the best ways to spur muscle growth in your biceps and triceps

July 21, 2016

Ditch the dumbbells and barbell once in a while. Incorporating a mix of training tools into your arm workouts provides a unique stimulus to spur muscle growth and makes tough training more fun.

Try it today with this bar and band arm blaster.

You’ll start with a dead weight superset for your biceps and triceps using an EZ-bar curl bar and a slow eccentric—lowering—tempo. The heavy weight and slow tempo creates the perfect combo of mechanical tension (or muscle force) and muscle damage to secure big gains.

Then you’ll finish off the workout with some single-arm resistance band supersets to flood your arms with as much blood as possible. Much like cables, bands provide a constant tension and are easy on the joints. Bands also supply the pump—or metabolic stress—to round our a complete muscle-building routine.

Here’s how to do it:

1A. EZ-curl bar reverse curl (8 to 12 reps) to EZ-curl bar biceps curl (8 to 12 reps), take 2 to 3 seconds to lower weight every rep
1B. EZ-curl bar overhead triceps extension (8 to 12 reps) to EZ-curl bar lying triceps extension, (8 to 12 reps), take 2 to 3 seconds to lower weight every rep

That’s 1 superset. Rest 1 to 2 minutes. Do 2 to 4 sets.

2. Single-arm band triceps pushdown, 50 reps per side in as few sets as possible
3. Single-arm band biceps pose, 50 reps per side in as few sets as possible