This CrossFit Routine Will Get You Lean During Lunch
This cardio routine by the world's fittest man will get you lean muscle in just three weeks!

February 1, 2018

man trying to do pull-ups and listening to music

Become the Fittest Man on Earth and still have time to check your emails. This workout, from CrossFit champion Rich Froning, combines bodyweight moves with big lifts to deliver athletic results in a hurry.

Muscles Targeted: Full Body
Time: 25 Minutes
Level: Medium
Results: 3 Weeks

Related: Build Muscle At Home With This Workout

Directions: You’ll never see a stodgy that is a pro in CrossFit – these guys come in one size and that’s lean. But don’t expect to catch Froning on a long run: his high-octane circuits use the Tabata format to scorch fat and reveal the muscle beneath. Do 8 rounds of each exercise before progressing. Rest 60sec between each move, but stay strict with your timings – max effort and low rest will seriously spike your metabolism.

01/Bodyweight Squat

20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. These are a cinch if you nail the form, but expect your thighs to be screaming by the end. Tabata keeps your heart rate high, so you’ll never plateau – this workout should keep getting harder. With your feet shoulder width apart, bend to lower to 90-degrees, keeping your head up and heels flat. Pause then stand up. Repeat for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then do another 7 rounds.


20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. If the squats have taken it out of you, go ahead and lie down. There is, however, a catch: extend your arms in front of you, then raise them, your chest and legs off the floor by a few inches. Hold for a second, then lower them to the ground. Aim to maintain tension at the bottom of the rep to keep your core engaged: by the sixth or seventh round, you’ll be feeling it in your lower abs.

Related: Here’s Why You Should Start Using Battle Ropes In Your Workouts

03/Jumping Pull-Up

20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. While adding a jump takes pressure off your arms and back, the extra momentum comes at a price: faster reps for an elevated heart rate. Squat, then jump up to catch the pull-up bar with a shoulder-width grip. Use that momentum to pull your chin over the bar, squeezing your shoulder blades at the top. Lower slowly – only drop to the ground when your arms are fully extended.


20 seconds, 10 seconds off. You might not think sit-ups are particularly hardcore – but after eight fast-paced rounds, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Sit with your knees bent and hands behind your head. Anchor your feet with a weight plate to stop them sneaking up. Keeping your posture straight, slowly hinge back at the hips until your back is just above the floor, then quickly fire up to the top and go again.

Related: The Genius Ab Exercise That All Gymnasts Use, But Everyone Ignores


20 seconds, 10 seconds off. The good news: you’ve only one more move to go. The bad? That move is press-ups, which hammer all the upper body muscles you’ve worked already, while also demanding serious core stamina. Place your hands in line with your chest and keep your elbows narrow as you lower to the ground. Push up with force.

See you at the next CrossFit Games?