Directions: Perform the 7 exercises in the order shown with little to no rest. Do 10 reps of each stance or grip before moving on to the next exercise.
1. 3-way squat: close-stance, normal-stance, wide-stance
2. 3-way 1-arm row, left: overhand-grip, hammer-grip, underhand-grip
3. 3-way 1-arm row, right: overhand-grip, hammer-grip, underhand-grip
4. 3-way 1-arm overhead press, left: overhand-grip, hammer-grip, underhand-grip
5. 3-way 1-arm overhead press, right: overhand-grip, hammer-grip, underhand-grip
6. 3-way biceps curl: overhand-grip, hammer-grip, underhand-grip
7. 3-way lying triceps extension: underhand-grip, hammer-grip, overhand-grip
That’s 1 round. Rest 1 to 2 minutes. Perform 3 to 5 total rounds.