Learn These 3 Surprising Facts About Your Core To Get Rock Hard Abs
Three facts you need to know about your core muscles

July 9, 2018

Abs are made in the kitchen, yes. But they are also made everywhere else in your life. These surprising facts will help you ramp up your workouts so that your summer body is one that everyone on the beach envies.

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You Can Strengthen Your Core Without Moving A Muscle

Whereas most muscles propel you, your core resists movement – for instance, to protect your spine when you twist your torso. So don’t be surprised by how hard it is to stay still during a core workout. You’re conditioning your core to do its job more effectively.

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Slouching Sabotages Your Six-Pack

Training your core helps correct poor posture. But an hour a week of core work can’t compensate for the 50 hours spent slumped over your keyboard. The fix: stay tall through your hips and keep your head up and shoulders back and down all day long.

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Core Muscles Contract First In Every Exercise

All the energy you exert originates in your torso, before being transferred to your arms and legs. So a weak core reduces the amount of force you’re able to apply to a barbell. When you hit a plateau in presses, squats or any other strength move, ask yourself if you’re training your core as hard as you can.