Use This Product To Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Lasting longer sounds like a promise you’d find in your spam folder, but one product actually works

March 8, 2016

10 Minutes To the Act

Lasting longer sounds like a promise you’d find in your spam folder, but one product actually works, says Laura Berman, Ph.D., the author of Real Sex for Real Women.

Promescent is a topical medication that desensitises the nerves, helping prevent premature ejaculation. Apply it to your penis 10 minutes before sex.

Bring Up the Rear

More women than ever are saying that they’ve enjoyed anal sex, says Berman.

And here’s another reason to make anal your ally: A recent study by Herbenick found that 94 percent of women who’d had anal sex during their last encounter reached orgasm.

What’s more, that number was higher than orgasm rates reported by women who’d had vaginal or oral sex (but no backdoor blitz).

If you’re certain your partner is up for it, Berman says, just remember these two key pieces of advice: Take it very slow the first time, and use plenty of lube.

“It’s the number one doctor-recommended lube and a great product for people who want the best of both worlds: a tingling sensation for her and a warming sensation for him,” says Berman.

Come Together

Simultaneous orgasms are about as rare as snow leopard sightings. But they’re worth pursuing.

“Experiencing that pleasure, where you both lose control at the same time, actually builds up bonding hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin,” says women’s health expert Christiane Northrup, M.D.

To save your O until she’s ready for it, use your breath wisely. Just when you’re on the edge, slow down and take two or three deep breaths.

As you exhale, squeeze your pubococcygeus muscle (the one you’d use to stop urine flow). This will bring you back from the precipice—otherwise, you may tense up and ejaculate, says Dr. Northrup.