Time, stress, attractiveness and your tool. Seem randomly unrelated? Well maybe, but all of these factors could have something to do with your bedroom blues.
In a study of 5000 men by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers found that 14, 4% of men in the study had experienced a decrease in their sexual interest within the past year. Most of the men in the study were in committed relationships, but low sexual desire was consistent across men of all ages. Those with erectile dysfunction reported to have the highest sexual disinterest, followed by those who felt anxious about sex and the few who shoot way too soon. Turns out career stress was the highest stressor associated with sexual disinterest, especially among those aged between 30-39. Compared to single men, married men and those with live-in partners reported higher degrees of sexual disinterest. Regarding time, 18, 5% of men believed their sexual boredom had to do with how long they’ve been with the current partners. And the longer the relationship, the worse: those in relationships for 5+ years were 1, 5 times as likely to lack sexual interest.
And appearance never fails to be involved either: men who didn’t find their partners attractive were 2, 7 times likely to be sexually disinterested, say the authors.